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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dot Spotlight :: MS Challenge Walk

My friend Anne is a beautiful soul.

We went to school together, graduating in 1986 from high school and then went off to our separate ways. But I will always remember the day that we met back up again.

I was working as a teacher at St Peter Middle School and despite my relative new-ness to the teaching profession, I was asked to be the staff representative on the hiring committee for the new principal. We were interviewing that day and in walked Anne. We chatted like it was old times until I looked up to notice that all the other committee members were staring at us. Obviously, Anne was there to apply for the job, but I just didn't recognize her married name from the list!

Anne was indeed hired to that position and it was such a pleasure to work with her. She is driven and accomplished, completing multiple educational degrees and teaching youth and adults as well as volunteering her time and talents where they are needed. Eventually, Anne moved on to teaching at the high school, and I am fortunate that my own son will have the pleasure of having Anne as a teacher in the coming years.

Anne approached me this spring at a h.s. baseball game to ask if I had any ideas for fundraisers, specifically for Multiple Sclerosis research. As it happens, I had just come up with the logo and name for my new fundraising company and I showed her the prototypes. She got excited by the possibility, so I asked if she would like to be the first of one of my fundraisers using an order form for the event. Of course, she would! You see, Anne is my guinea pig! So I am hoping that this experiment will work!

What is MS?

Per the National MS Society website:
Multiple sclerosis (or MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision. The progress, severity, and specific symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another. Today, new treatments and advances in research are giving new hope to people affected by the disease.

No one knows the exact causes of MS.

There are 2.1 million people who have it and more cases discovered every day.

More women get this than men, it is found in every corner of the world but is more prevalent in northern regions and farther from the equator, every ethnic background is represented and it manifests most often between 20-50 years of age. More people are diagnosed every day.

Chances are that you know someone who is affected by this disease.

And there currently is no cure.

MS Challenge Walk
Anne and her sister Nicole have done the MS Challenge Walk for seven years with this upcoming walk. The MS Challenge Walk is a three-day, 50 mile event held in Door County, WI. A beautiful place to get lost for three days! I am sure that there are MS Challenge Walks in every state in case you are interested. To participate, all you need to do is form a team, raise a minimum of $1500 and walk!

Anne is not just a kind soul and a beautiful woman, she was diagnosed with MS in 1999. Her mother, who also had MS, passed away in 2007 after a lengthy battle. As Anne says, "While my mother was not able to benefit from the disease modifying medications, the dedication and selflessness of those who walked over the years have directly affected my health. I walk to honor those who walked before me, to support those who are currently living with MS, and to help those who will be diagnosed after me."

I was actually unaware the Anne had MS until I started this journey with her. She is a youthful, vibrant woman with a stunning smile. She is an inspiration to everyone who meets her, from those friends from high school to students present and past to colleagues and more. She always seems on the go (no doubt fueled by her beloved java bean!) so I am sure that she has no intentions of ever slowing down. I have always admired Miss Anne, and I am so happy that I can do something for her.
Currently, Team Walk the Talk has raised just over $2000 of their $7500 goal. My hope is that this fundraiser can help them achieve what they are striving for.

Dot Spotlight :: MS Challenge Walk

My hope is that this special Pop-a-Dot Jewelry sale will not only benefit Anne and her sister in their fundraising efforts but might help find a cure.

The following images are an order form designed specifically this fundraiser. We selected 35 specific Dots that will be available for this specific fundraiser. Dots that are whimsical and fun... Dots that are just plain pretty... Dots that have positive messages... Dots specific to supporting those with MS. The sale of any Pop-a-Dot Jewelry through this fundraiser August 1-31, 2013 will directly benefit the Wisconsin MS Challenge Walk that Anne and Nicole are participating in coming up September 20-22, 2013.

Remember: the Dots are just magnets, so even if you don't want to wear the jewelry, or already have a Base of your own from a previous fundraiser, you can find a spot for these magnets! 

If you are interested in supporting this fundraiser by purchasing from this select group of Dots and Bases, you can email me directly at dot@popadotjewelry.com and I will set it up for you. [Note: Shipping quoted is in the U.S. If you are outside of the U.S., I will be happy to find out what the cost will be to ship to you.]

Thank you for your support!

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